If you are a returning student, you can fill out the brief registration form below to apply for the 2022-23 school year. We look forward to another wonderful year of learning and growth.

Hebrew school is on Sundays from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.

Child 1 Name
Last Name
First Name
Hebrew Name  (if unknown / none, write 'unknown' or 'none')
Grade Entering
Time of Birth AMPM
Does your child have allergies? (Food or medication)

 Yes - What Kind?


Does your child take medication regularly?

 Yes - What Kind?


Does your child have an IEP?  No  Yes
Please list the details of the IEP and any special services your child receives 
Please list any special needs(physical, developmental, learning, emotional, behavioral) that may require special awareness from our staff?
Child 2 Name
Last Name
First Name
Hebrew Name  (if unknown / none, write 'unknown' or 'none')
Grade Entering
Time of Birth AMPM
Does your child have allergies? (Food or medication)

 Yes - What kind? 

Does your child take medication regularly?

 Yes - What Kind?

Does your child have an IEP?  No  Yes
Please list the details of the IEP and any special services your child receives 
Please list any special needs(physical, developmental, learning, emotional, behavioral) that may require special awareness from our staff?
Child 3 Name
Last Name
First Name
Hebrew Name  (if unknown / none, write 'unknown' or 'none')
Grade Entering
Time of Birth AMPM
Does your child have allergies? (Food or medication)

 Yes - What kind?

Does your child take medication regularly?

 Yes - What Kind?

Does your child have an IEP?  No  Yes
Please list the details of the IEP and any special services your child receives 
Please list any special needs(physical, developmental, learning, emotional, behavioral) that may require special awareness from our staff?


Tuition Information
Member Registration 
  Family Membership  
  Platinum Membership $1,800- includes basic membership, unlimited seating and two tickets to an exclusive donor evening, free CHS tuition(for 2 kids)
In order to receive these membership benefits, please  CLICK HERE   to open a page for membership application.
First complete this form and then go to the membership tab that was opened on the top of your screen.

Non-Member Registration 
 $700 + $25 Book Fee 

** There are many different membership options and many perks that come along with membership. Call 516.764.7385 

Payment Information
 Paid Membership
 Please Charge My Card Below 
Name on Card  
Billing Address
Billing Zip  
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number  
Exp Date
Additional Comments 


As the parent(s) or legal guardian of the above child, I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of Chabad Hebrew School to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Chabad Hebrew School personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to such treatment. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities, join in class and school trips on and beyond school properties and allow my child to be photographed while participating in Chabad Hebrew School activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes.

I Accept

Name: Initials: Date:

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth!