Review is integral to every successful reading program – as we all know, practice makes perfect. Our NEW Hebrew reading homework system for grades 1-7 makes homework fun and doable!


1. Scroll down to your child's color. Click on it, and scroll down on your child's page that they learned that day(the homework sheet looks different than the book they use in school. Ask your child to read what they're familiar with.)
2. Prepare a 2 minute sand timer. 
3. Call the Hebrew reading hotline using the number printed at the top of the sheet (516) 219-0583 and listen to the instructions
4. When you hear the beep, begin reading for 2 minute
5. An email of the recording will immediately be sent  for review. Students MUST complete their homework a minimum of 8 times before he/she can get tested and advance to the next level



  1. Students choose a target, amazon or starbucks rewards card. Each card has 8 circles for hole-punches.
  2. For each day your child completes his/her homework they are given one hole-punch in their rewards card. These “punches” are given by your child’s Aleph Champ teacher.
  3. Once all 8 circles are “punched”, the rewards card can be redeemed at the office for a $5 gift card to that store!


  1. Only one “punch” can be earned each day.
  2. A maximum of 3 “punches” can be earned in a single week.
  3. Only recordings left by Thursday night will be in that week’s count.
  4. Recordings should not be left during Shabbat and Jewish Holidays.