There are four special Mitzvahs that are done on Purim one of them being to hear the Megillah being read twice, Purim eve, Saturday, March 23 and Purim day, Sunday, March 24.

Please see below for our full Purim schedule and the list of Megillah readings throughout Purim.*


Saturday Night, March 23rd

Soup & Scotch - Megillah Reading: 8:00pm


Sunday, March 24th

Morning Services: 8:30am

Megillah Reading followed by Bagels & Lox: 9:00am

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Purim in Israel: 5:00pm - RSVP Required

Megillah Reading: 5:00pm & 6:00pm


*If you're homebound, please contact the office to organize a Megillah reading at your location