We are looking forward to celebrating Purim with you in just under a month on March 23rd and 24th.
Purim holds a special significance as a time of Community, Friendship and celebration of our Jewish Identity. This is expressed through the tradition of listening to the story of Purim, exchanging food gifts with others, extending generosity to those in need and participating in a festive meal. This year, we are excited to once again organize the "Purim Exchange", fostering unity within our community and fulfilling the mitzva of giving to those in need.
The objective of the Purim Exchange is to radiate joy, love, and unity throughout our community by giving Purim Gift Packages to participating families, individuals in need, and our young men and women on the front lines protecting our Holy Land. Your involvement in this initiative will play an important role in uniting and supporting our community and spreading the joyous spirit of Purim.
Mishloach Manot, the sending of food gifts to family and friends, is one of four cherished Mitzvot observed on Purim. Since the Purim salvation came as a result of a unified effort for our entire nation, on Purim, we perform Mitzvot which foster unity and friendship. Our service assists you in bringing some much-needed Purim spirit to your friends and family! All products are from Israeli vendors, along with the Israeli theme of the basket showing our solidarity and support for our brethren in the Holy Land. Am Yisrael Chai!
It's simple. Here's how it works:
For just $7 per recipient, you can participate in the sending of an exclusive Purim food/gift package to anyone on the Purim list. Every family on the list will receive one Purim gift package along with a personalized letter, listing the names of all who participated in their package.
By making a generous gift of $250 you may choose as many names from the list as you wish, or you can 'select all' to have your name listed on every package.
There are 200+ names on our list - so this is a tremendous deal.
We offer a reciprocity service, which will automatically add names to your send to list of people who chose to send a package to you, but who you did not include.
What you need to do:
In order to get started, leave you info below and we will send you a customized email to your inbox
We are excited for you to join this initiative!
We appreciate your support & encourage you to join us in this project, helping us spread joy and love within our community & for our heroes in the land of Israel.
We wish you a joyous Purim,
Rabbi Levi and Soshie Gurkov