The Aleph Champion Program© is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today. Modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, it works by dividing different reading skills into levels defined by color. Students understand that their teacher is a black aleph champion and their goal is to reach that level.

How does it work?

Step 1: Students are tested for their level using the aleph champ quiz book.

Step 2: Once placed in a level, the children receive a colored aleph champ reading primer depending on which color they passed.

Step 3: When a student progresses to the point of advancing a level, a testing date is set. The child is tested and receives an Aleph Champ Certificate of achievement as well as a new color book.

Step 4: Teachers are designated for the different color reading groups. Aleph Champ Centers are set up for reading, writing, games and flashcard review. The centers help to break up the teaching time and when short-staffed, even act as substitute teachers. See "coming attractions" for a list of some exciting reading center products soon to be available for purchase

Step 5: Review is integral to every successful reading program. Our NEW Hebrew reading homework system makes homework fun and doable! 

Step 6: Students are motivated and excited. The Aleph Champion Program is a success.  

The levels

  • White Aleph Champion- Master the first 18 letters of the Aleph Bet. 
  • Red Aleph Champion - Master all 32 letters of the Aleph Bet.
  • Orange Aleph Champion - Master the first 3 vowels with letter combinations.
  • Yellow Aleph Champion - Master the first 6 vowels with letter combinations.
  • Green Aleph Champion - Master the first 9 vowels with letter combinations.
  • Blue Aleph Champion - Master all the vowels and exceptions to the rules.
  • Purple Aleph Champion - Master reading familiar Prayers and Brachot.
  • Brown Aleph Champion - Master reading important Tefillot.
  • Grey Aleph Champion - Master reading from the Siddur in a timed fashion.
  • Black Aleph Champion - Master reading over 100 words in a minute

 Click on your childs homework color below:

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